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The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First: Let freedom ring

This is an excerpt from The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First now available at, and online booksellers. Everyone who purchases the book can be entered into a drawing to get a free 30-minute coaching/counseling session with me. Drawings will take place on July 12 & 26, 2020. To enter, simply take a photo of yourself with the cover of the paperback or eBook, post to social media and tag me (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn: @SeneeSeale; Facebook: @ThePrincessGuide), or email a copy of your receipt to

Independence Day was approaching in 2016, and I was thinking a lot about the concept of freedom. In America, we live in a free society, but so many people aren’t free. They may be enslaved by loved ones who are practicing domestic violence or substance use, or they may be in emotionally toxic work environments. However, the vast majority of people are enslaved by their own thoughts.

I read an email from the Illumination Podcast with Nick and Kisma which pointed out, “The real freedom, however, is being objective enough, and—we’ll just say it—in love with yourself enough that it simply doesn’t matter what others think.” That’s a real mouthful because the truth is, we’re conditioned in this society to care too much about what others think—especially if we have past experiences of something negative happening to us because we didn’t do what someone else wanted us to do.

The Bible tells us that, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is present there is freedom,” 2 Corinthians 3:17. But how many of us can admit to allowing the negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions to reign? We’re probably all guilty of it at some point in our lives because we’re human, and that’s our natural state of being. We’ve forgotten that we are divine, sovereign, and free. We were in this state before we came to this existence, we will be so after we leave this planet, and we need to take back our power and declare that liberty now.

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

So, how can we overcome the imprisonment of negativity and experience true freedom? I believe true freedom is found in having peace. There’s something to be said for stopping when you catch yourself having negative thoughts, taking a deep breath and giving it to your higher power. It’s also good to start naming things you’re grateful for during this process. You can take back the keys to your freedom by controlling your own mind and choosing to react in love toward yourself and others.

I’ve become a big supporter in the last three years of unplugging from electronics, too—Living in the real, physical world and having experiences with other living beings is freeing. I’m not the only one practicing and giving this advice. In 2016, The Center for Brain Health at my alma mater, The University of Texas at Dallas was advising people on Instagram to “Step away, disengage, and unplug to catch your next AH moment.” They’re on the cutting edge of brain research. So, I put a lot of confidence in their advice.

Break out of the online matrix where people tell half-truths, and go walk barefoot in the grass, listen to the birds sing, and feel the sun on your skin. Not only are these things very beneficial to your mind and body (earthing/grounding is a huge thing right now), but it’s freedom at its basic level. I’m making it a priority in my life every day and celebrating a happy Independence Day every day of the year. I hope you’ll consider it, as well.

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!