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Being in balance

Today would have been my Pa-Paw’s 104th birthday. I was born the day after his birthday, and we always celebrated our birthdays together … I can’t tell you how much I loved that and deeply miss it! This blog post from 2014 is in honor of him. He was a Libra too and valued balance as much as I do …

During Spring Break this year, I wanted to work on myself, but it occurred to me in the middle of the week that part of my problem might be that I could be out of balance ― or out of whack, as my Pa-Paw used to say.

The very next day I was in my favorite used bookstore looking for books by my favorite self-help author, when the first book my hand touched was titled, Being in Balance. (Yes, God, I’m listening!)

being in balanceBalance is a holistic practice. It’s both physical and psychological. This is especially true when talking about how you treat your body.

“The concept of balance starts with internal balance of your body from a metabolic and hormonal level, extending to a balance of your body fat levels and muscle, to a balance of your upper body and lower body proportions,” said John Barban, fitness expert.

While it takes action to do things to bring balance to your body and life, it all starts with how you’re thinking and talking internally to yourself.

Have you ever noticed how you actually speak to yourself in your head? If your self-talk is more negative than positive, you CAN change it starting right now by noticing what you’re thinking, then replacing those negative thoughts. Dr. Daniel Amen calls them ANTS — Automatic Negative ThoughtS.

In his book, Being in Balance: 9 Principles for Creating Habits to Match Your Desires Dr. Wayne Dyer offers these thoughts for balancing your dreams with your daily routines:

Balance your dreams with your habits. You name it, and if you can dream it, you can achieve it. But only if you align your inner creative energy ― your thoughts ― so that they match up perfectly with your dreams.

Balance your desire to enjoy life with your need to achieve. Become conscious of your desire to be at peace, and then match your present-moment thoughts to that desire.

Balance how you see yourself with what you project to the world. Become aware of all your behaviors and feelings. Then attempt to determine if they match your vision of yourself, and if that self-image is what others see.

Balance your desire for what you want with your addictive behavior. Overcoming the imbalance with addictive thinking begins and ends with your awareness that you, with the help of your Source, have everything you need right now to end your imbalance.

Balance your desire to have your body feel great with what you feed it and how you exercise it. Truly, you are not what you eat or how much you exercise, but rather what you believe about the you that you’re presently birthing in your thoughts.

Balance your desire for prosperity with your habits of scarcity. Right now, in this moment, you can initiate the practice of allowing only prosperous thoughts to live in your consciousness. Replace “I don’t even know how to think like this” with “I’m abundant, I attract prosperity, I am in balance with this desire, and I will not think in any other way.”

Balance your desire to live in a peaceful world with messages of evil continually bombarding you. I’m obliged to stay in a consciousness of compassion and love―not only to maintain my own balance, but to help ensure the continual survival of our species. There can be no greater calling.

Balance your desire for love with feelings of not having enough love. Not only is love what is left over when falling in love fades away, but love defines the Source from which we came. You must vow from this moment forward, to see yourself exclusively in loving terms, and invite love to accompany you 24/7.

Balance your spiritual life with your material life. Being more balanced spiritually and physically gives me the opportunity to be in a continual state of gratitude and awe … There’s a significant change in your life when you correct the imbalance between your physical and spiritual being.

What have you found beneficial when keeping yourself in balance?

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