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Getting the royal treatment

I’m always talking about being a princess and being royal …. That’s why I have to share this story.

I took a trip to Los Angeles to see my best friend earlier this summer, and the flight crew was INCREDIBLE to me that night! Let me start by saying that flying is not the most enjoyable thing for me to do, especially since I typically travel alone.

You see, I have been diagnosed with a rare eye disease that has caused me to lose all my night vision (it’s hard to see in low light situations too), and I’ve lost most of my peripheral vision. Airports are nightmares for me because people are often pushing and shoving and walking in front of me. That’s why I usually try to preboard … Finding my seat with those tiny letters and numbers usually takes me more time than most, and I sometimes need the help of a flight attendant.

That particular flight, I did preboard, and a lovely flight attendant named Sue helped me find my seat. The flight was delayed due to some flight numbers the crew was waiting on. When we left Dallas, it was still daylight, but it had turned dark by the time we arrived at LAX.

We landed in a remote gate requiring deplaning off a ramp and getting on a tram to get into the airport. The flight crew told us that we had to quickly deplane and get immediately on the tram. I was nervous because of my vision issues and not knowing what lighting situation or obstacles I would be facing once I stepped out of the plane (or all the pushing and shoving I would experience from other passengers), Honestly, I was envisioning a long staircase like on Air Force One. On a trip to L.A. as a teenager, we had to deplane like that. I knew that wouldn’t work for me now in the dark. I waited for many of the passengers to get off the plane before finding Sue and asking for help. She was so kind and had me sit in first class while everyone got off the plane.

The Princess Guide Senee seale
Me on vacation in L.A., May 2019

While I was waiting, she told me I was beautiful, gracious and graceful. She said she didn’t even know I had a vision problem because I carry myself with such poise. (People tell me that a lot.) Honestly, it surprised me because I felt like a hot mess! I hate having to ask for help, and when I do, sometimes I’m told “NO!” So, I just try to do things on my own … I’m pretty stubborn when I want something and don’t give up easily.

A runway worker came and escorted me off the plane and onto the tram. As the tram was coming to a stop at the terminal, I heard Sue talking to the pilot (I think he said his name was Chuck from Dallas). Next thing I knew, he grabbed my hand, had his copilot grab my bag and escorted me through LAX to the arrivals area. Not only that, but he waited with me at the curb until my best friend arrived and helped her get my bag in the car! Then he hugged us both.

The Princess Guide Senee seale

You don’t get the pilot and his copilot to personally escort you through an airport and carry your bags if you’re not royal! It still shocks me because I’ve had so many people in my life put me down and tell me I’m not as good as I think I am, but when something like this happens, I have to acknowledge that I am, indeed, a princess, a royal. If fascinates me how hard I have tried to prove myself to some people who crap all over me, lie about me, use me and throw me aside like yesterday’s trash. Then, random strangers of position speak their true observations about me and treat me like the princess I know deep down inside I am — it changes EVERYTHING! It puts everything (especially the bad stuff and people) into right perspective.

I’m eternally grateful for the help and kindness they all showed me! I’m now an American Airlines customer for life! And I am, once again, reminded that no matter how bad the haters treat me, it doesn’t change the fact that I am royal, and that I’m still on my throne and wearing my crown.

What random acts have made you realized your true identity?

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