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How to love and honor yourself

It’s the week leading up to my birthday and always a time of great reflection for me. We all know that 2020 has been a rough year for all of us — in one way or another — but it has been a year of great joy and fulfillment for me, personally. I’m so grateful for things that have happened this year that have caused me to grow and brought me great joy. One of those things was releasing my latest book The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First. That book literally changed my life because I practice everything I write about … It’s the only way I can live with myself knowing that I’m practicing the two qualities I value most — authenticity and integrity.

In 2018, I was working in a very stressful environment, and my daily theme song was Love by The Sundays. “Love, love, love. Just love yourself like no one else. Love. It’s enough. And they can say what they like, but they still can’t take your love.” I heard the words every day, but they really didn’t sink in until I started doing the research for the book.

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

People who are in service to self will tell you that loving yourself is selfish. That it’s wrong. Why? They want you to put their wants and needs ahead of your own to aid in their service to themselves. However, I firmly believe that loving yourself (in a healthy way) is the firm foundation needed for every relationship you have in life. When you love and value yourself, you will make decisions out of a place of empowerment and an abundance of love that will be for your highest good. These decisions will also positively impact others around you even if they don’t result in the outcome they want.

As I talk about in The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First, when speaking about self-love — also referred to in psychological circles as self-compassion — researchers are finding it is not only the key to positive mental health, but also the key to life. “Though the term ‘self-compassion’ may sound like self-indulgence or may feel like a weakness, it is actually the secret to resilience, strength in the face of failure, the ability to learn from mistakes and to bounce back with greater enthusiasm,” wrote Dr. Emma Seppala. “Self-compassion involves treating oneself as one would a friend, being more mindful and understanding our situation in the context of a larger human experience. When we can be more understanding and gentler with ourselves, identify less with the emotions that surround our mistakes and understand that failure is a normal part of the larger human experience, we become stronger and more successful in the long run … the state of your life depends on the state of your mind. So, be kind to yourself.”

I believe it’s important to honor yourself every, single day — not just on your birthday, once a year. Wordnik defines honor as, “High respect, as that shown for special merit; recognition or esteem. Great privilege.” When we practice loving and honoring ourselves, we build our self-confidence and begin acting from a place of empowerment and not lack. We learn to go to the kingdom within us to find the answers for ourselves, and we also learn how to honor others around us.

I’ve had to learn not to let anyone take my crown and lure me off my throne — meaning: I have to do what is best for me and not allow others to mistreat me whether it be in friendship relationships, work relationships or romantic relationships. Most wedding vows will have each person promise to “love, honor and cherish” their spouse, but how can you promise such a thing if you haven’t even practiced it on yourself first?

If you’ve never known how to practice honoring yourself or want to learn new techniques, Dr. Margaret Paul, a relationship expert, gave The Huffington Post these suggestions in 2015 that still ring true today:

1. Listen within to your own feelings. Many people easily tune into others’ feelings yet have no idea what they feel. If you ignore a child’s feelings, that child will feel unloved. Ignoring your own feelings has the same result — your inner child feels rejected, abandoned and unloved by you.

2. Be compassionate with your feelings. If you judge your feelings, telling yourself you are wrong for having them, your inner child will feel rejected and abandoned by you. If you are kind, gentle, tender, understanding and accepting of your feelings, your inner child will feel loved by you.

3. Be open to learning about what your feelings are telling you. Just as an actual child feels loved when you are compassionately interested in why he or she is hurting, your inner child will feel loved when you explore what your feelings are telling you. All feelings are informational. Just as physical pain alerts you to a problem that needs attention, so does emotional pain. Painful feelings are telling you that you are abandoning yourself, that someone is being unloving to you — or to themselves or to others — or that a situation is not good for you. Compassionately attending to your feelings, learning what they are telling you and then taking action to remedy the situation will make you feel loved.

4. Create a solid connection with a spiritual source of love, wisdom and comfort. Love is not a feeling we generate from our mind. It comes from the heart when our heart is open to our source of love. When you open to learning with your higher power about loving yourself and others, love flows into your heart and you feel loved.

5. Choose to be around loving people. We don’t always have a choice — such as in work relationships — but when we do have a choice — such as in personal relationships — choosing to be around caring, supportive and accepting people will make you feel loved. If, when you have a choice, you consistently engage with unkind, judgmental or abusive people, the message you are sending to yourself is that you are not worth loving.

6. Take loving actions for yourself around others. When you are around someone who is being unkind, speak up for yourself letting the person know that you don’t like being treated that way. Then, either be open to learning about what is going on [with the other person], or lovingly disengage from the interaction. Allowing others to treat you badly sends a message to your inner child that he or she is not worth loving.

7. Take care of your body, your time, your space and your finances. You will feel loved and lovable when you feed yourself healthy food and get exercise and sleep. When you ignore your health, you are giving yourself the message that you are not worth loving. When you respect your own and others’ time and space, you are letting yourself know that you are worth it. When you overspend, putting yourself in unnecessary debt, you are not taking loving care of yourself, and your inner child will feel scared, alone and unloved. Just as an actual child needs to feel safe regarding the necessities of life, your inner child needs to feel the same way.

8. Find work you love. Since work takes up a big part of your day, finding or creating work that fulfills you is vitally important. If you continue to force yourself to stay at jobs you hate, the message to yourself is that you are not worth doing whatever it is you need to do to create a fulfilling work life.

9. Create balance. We need balance in our life to feel loved and lovable. We need time to work and time to rest and rejuvenate. We also need time to nurture our body and soul through activities that bring us joy.

Loving yourself and practicing these loving actions will not only help you get healthy self-esteem that no one can take away from you, but it will also give you the skills you need to love others when the right relationship comes into your life.

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations.

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The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First: Coming back to life

This is an excerpt from The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First now available at, and online booksellers. Everyone who purchases the book can be entered into a drawing to get a free 30-minute coaching/counseling session with me. Drawings will take place on July 12 & 26, 2020. To enter, simply take a photo of yourself with the cover of the paperback or eBook, post to social media and tag me (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn: @SeneeSeale; Facebook: @ThePrincessGuide), or email a copy of your receipt to

I was walking down an aisle in a store in 2016, and next to the As Seen On TV products jumped out the words on a box Back To Life … My first thought was, “I wish I could slather on a product to bring me back to life!”

We all go through seasons in life where our faith is tried, but how we react to the negative things that happen to us defines who we really are. At that time, I had been thinking a lot about character and virtue. Several years ago when I was working as an editor of a weekly publication for The Dallas Morning News, I was going through a really difficult time in my personal life. The only guy on our team walked up as I was talking about my situation with another girl on our team. He said something to me that has never left me. He had only been working with me for a couple of months, but he said I was the most virtuous person he’s ever known. I was flattered he had this opinion of me, but I really wasn’t sure what he meant.

Michael Tyrrell, musician and creator of the Wholetones music project, put it like this in an email, “Virtue is the cornerstone of character. It is the manifestation of moral principles or ethics that define one’s statue. In other words, it’s the ‘you’ in you! It’s who you are when nobody’s around to impress.”

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

My grandfather always told us, “A man is only as good as his word.” I took that to heart and always try not to commit to something unless I know I can do it and keep my promises. I’ve found out in my lifetime that very few people keep their promises—even really important ones like wedding vows or governmental oaths.

One of my friends in graduate school called me her “Little Southern Belle.” One night during a break in class as the professor was walking back in the room, my friend was telling everyone out loud, “Senée is the epitome of a Southern Belle. She can tell you to go to hell and make you look forward to the journey!” To that, our professor turned around and shook her head. (She wasn’t from Texas and had told us she didn’t understand our hospitality or etiquette.) I have never viewed myself as a Southern Belle—a princess, yes, but not really a Southern Belle. I have just always known deep down inside me that I am called to live to a higher, royal standard in which I keep my promises, tell the truth at all costs, and do my best to do things in love …

It’s amazing to me, but I actually felt myself coming back to life four years after being in that store wishing something could bring me back to life. The amazing part was that if happened during the COVID-19 lockdown while I was Sheltering In Place all alone. The interactions I had with people online and later meeting some of them in person made me realize that I had been brought back to life and was fully enjoying and experiencing life in all its happiness and disappointments. I credit practicing gratitude for much of this. I was able to hold on to the positive moments, be truly, deeply grateful for them, and let the rest go. Had I not been practicing loving myself first, establishing what I wanted for my life, and setting and enforcing my boundaries, I don’t think I would have experienced this reawakening or coming back to life. You can have the same experience—I’m confident of that. If I can do it, so can you. All it takes is doing the internal work I outline within these pages.

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations.  For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!

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The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First: Self-love is the key

This is an excerpt from The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First now available at, and online booksellers. Everyone who purchases the book can be entered into a drawing to get a free 30-minute coaching/counseling session with me. Drawings will take place on July 12 & 26, 2020. To enter, simply take a photo of yourself with the cover of the paperback or eBook, post to social media and tag me (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn: @SeneeSeale; Facebook: @ThePrincessGuide), or email a copy of your receipt to

… I’ll admit it—I’ve struggled with loving myself for the majority of my life. I watched Hallmark and Hollywood movies that told me the only way to find true love and happiness was if someone outside myself loved and approved of me. I believed it. I thought I had to be pleasing and perfect to receive unconditional love. However, no matter what I did or how correctly I performed, I never experienced that love (for very long, at least). I now know—after more than four decades on this planet—that this is false! True, lasting, real love comes, first and foremost, from within.

Loving yourself is—in my personal and professional opinion—the most important key to happiness in life and relationships. I know what it’s like to have people tell you through their words and actions that you have no worth and are not lovable. I also know what it’s like to break out of that programming and no longer allow others to control your thinking and life.

If you don’t know me or haven’t read any of my work, I’m a Qualified Mental Health Professional and print journalist. I worked as a research assistant in the Couples Daily Lives Laboratory at The University of Texas at Dallas studying relationship conflict and reconciliation while I was earning my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. I love data, but I also like finding facts from many different sources. I’m going to present scientific research, expert commentary, Biblical scripture, and my own experiences in this book. Just keep an open mind, and if you don’t agree, then take what resonates with you, use it to improve yourself, and discard the rest.

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

Let me say this upfront: There is nothing wrong with wanting to be loved. I believe we were created to love and to be loved. The problem occurs when we give that power of love to another person outside of ourselves—when the love from another person is more important to us than how we feel about and love ourselves. If given to the wrong people, they can and will use it to control, dominate, and hurt us. I’ve seen it time and time again and experienced it personally.

The answer to this problem is to love yourself first. That way, no one can take love away from you when the main source of it comes from within yourself. A few months after publishing The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart where I devoted a chapter to this topic, I read Christian Mickelsen’s book Abundance Unleashed where he seems to share my opinion.

“The more attachments you have to being loved, the more neediness, the more you’re going to be searching for that love out in the world, and it’s always going to be elusive,” he wrote.

I’m not proud to say that I see myself in those words. When I look back over my life, I have realized that I was like a needy puppy begging at the feet of men and others outside of myself for love. I can now see that I went from a place of empowerment and loving myself first to a place of neediness where I could do nothing to please or get the love I deeply desired from another person. When we’re operating in a place of desperation, we are operating in lack and disempowerment—It isn’t a good look on anyone and typically repels people away from us instead of attracting them to us …

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!

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The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First: Let freedom ring

This is an excerpt from The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First now available at, and online booksellers. Everyone who purchases the book can be entered into a drawing to get a free 30-minute coaching/counseling session with me. Drawings will take place on July 12 & 26, 2020. To enter, simply take a photo of yourself with the cover of the paperback or eBook, post to social media and tag me (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn: @SeneeSeale; Facebook: @ThePrincessGuide), or email a copy of your receipt to

Independence Day was approaching in 2016, and I was thinking a lot about the concept of freedom. In America, we live in a free society, but so many people aren’t free. They may be enslaved by loved ones who are practicing domestic violence or substance use, or they may be in emotionally toxic work environments. However, the vast majority of people are enslaved by their own thoughts.

I read an email from the Illumination Podcast with Nick and Kisma which pointed out, “The real freedom, however, is being objective enough, and—we’ll just say it—in love with yourself enough that it simply doesn’t matter what others think.” That’s a real mouthful because the truth is, we’re conditioned in this society to care too much about what others think—especially if we have past experiences of something negative happening to us because we didn’t do what someone else wanted us to do.

The Bible tells us that, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is present there is freedom,” 2 Corinthians 3:17. But how many of us can admit to allowing the negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions to reign? We’re probably all guilty of it at some point in our lives because we’re human, and that’s our natural state of being. We’ve forgotten that we are divine, sovereign, and free. We were in this state before we came to this existence, we will be so after we leave this planet, and we need to take back our power and declare that liberty now.

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

So, how can we overcome the imprisonment of negativity and experience true freedom? I believe true freedom is found in having peace. There’s something to be said for stopping when you catch yourself having negative thoughts, taking a deep breath and giving it to your higher power. It’s also good to start naming things you’re grateful for during this process. You can take back the keys to your freedom by controlling your own mind and choosing to react in love toward yourself and others.

I’ve become a big supporter in the last three years of unplugging from electronics, too—Living in the real, physical world and having experiences with other living beings is freeing. I’m not the only one practicing and giving this advice. In 2016, The Center for Brain Health at my alma mater, The University of Texas at Dallas was advising people on Instagram to “Step away, disengage, and unplug to catch your next AH moment.” They’re on the cutting edge of brain research. So, I put a lot of confidence in their advice.

Break out of the online matrix where people tell half-truths, and go walk barefoot in the grass, listen to the birds sing, and feel the sun on your skin. Not only are these things very beneficial to your mind and body (earthing/grounding is a huge thing right now), but it’s freedom at its basic level. I’m making it a priority in my life every day and celebrating a happy Independence Day every day of the year. I hope you’ll consider it, as well.

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!

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Now available: The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First

I’ve been talking about it for months, and now it’s finally here! The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First is now available in eBook and paperback formats (hardback coming soon) through, and online booksellers.

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

While all my books have a special place in my heart, I’m really excited about The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First because it has been a game changer in my own life, and I know it can be in every reader’s life, as well! I always do everything I write about (authenticity and integrity mean everything to me), but the change in my confidence and attitude is so off the charts that I’m noticing the change — in addition to others pointing it out … And it’s a really good thing!

Are you looking for a way to strengthen the relationships you have in your life? Would you like to learn how to love yourself more and increase your self-confidence? Loving yourself is the most important key to happiness in life and relationships. This book will help you break out of the programming that tells you that other people’s love and acceptance is more important than your own. Changing your thinking about self-love will give you freedom and the fortitude to no longer allow others to control you by making you preform to their desired wishes through the threats of taking their love away. When your source of love comes from within, you are no longer needy for the love of others, and you can have more accurate judgment on whom you allow into your life. I will guide you through this process so that you can not only love yourself in a healthy way, but so that you can also more adequately love others. Putting self-love into action is a game changer and will transform your life and relationships.

I’m also offering a 12-week Loving Yourself First coaching package where I work one-on-one guiding clients through the process. To celebrate the release of the book, that coaching package is being offered at 50 percent off for a limited time.

Everyone who purchases the book can be entered into a drawing to get a free 30-minute coaching/counseling session with me. Drawings will take place on July 12 & 26, 2020. To enter, simply take a photo of yourself with the cover of the paperback or eBook, post to social media and tag me (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn: @SeneeSeale; Facebook: @ThePrincessGuide), or email a copy of your receipt to

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!

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Flashback Friday: Are you looking for love in all the wrong places?

Since today is Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be a good time to talk about the most important kind of love — self-love. As I’ve been writing my upcoming book “The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First,” I’ve been on my own self-love journey. What I’ve found is that when I’m practicing healthy self-love, I have love to give others, and I’m not needy for love from others … I’ve learned the hard way that kind of desperation can get you into a lot of trouble and unnecessary heartbreak. So, let’s flashback to October 2018 …

It’s my birthday week, and I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately — not the kind of external love we automatically think about, although that’s been on my mind too — I’m talking about the internal love no one can take away from us.

In our modern-day culture, we tend to think that the only love that counts is the external love from another person typically in a romantic setting. There’s an old song with the lyrics, “You’re nobody until somebody loves you.” I must disagree with this statement. We come from pure love. We are loved greatly by the Creator of All. We have ancestors and spiritual relatives who love and protect us, even though we may not see or encounter them in this realm of existence.

I spent an entire chapter of The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart talking about loving yourself, but it hasn’t been until recent weeks that I’m starting to realize what that really looks like.

The last line of John Mayer’s song New Light poses the question, “What do I do with all this love flowing through my veins for you?” I dare say, once again, that you give all that love back to yourself until you have someone in your life to give that love to who will love you back. That last part is very important because if you aren’t receiving love back from a person, you’re in an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship.

Lately, I’ve been listening daily to The Sundays song Love. The lyrics are profound and have really redirected my thinking about self-love.

So, killing me with love, love, love just love yourself like no one else.
Love, it’s enough.
So, they can say what they like, but they still can’t take
Your love, your love, your love just love yourself like nobody else.
Time’s so scarce where I come from
Let them say what they like, but they still can’t take your love.

When we finally realize who we are, that we ARE love and are deeply loved, no one can take that away from us. Will there be times when we feel lonely and unloved? Of course! I can’t tell you how many birthdays (including the last three and probably this upcoming one) and holidays I’ve spent totally alone. I’ve learned a very valuable lesson, though … When I’m alone on special days, I can spend them doing anything I want to do! I don’t have anyone telling me I’m not worthy of celebrating or that I want too much. I can spend as much or as little money on myself and feel very good about it because I don’t have anyone dictating to me my worth.

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

So, how do you show love to yourself? You do exactly what I explain in the book … You talk to yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you’re beautiful, handsome, talented, honorable, worthy and lovable. I’ve never had a problem looking at myself naked in the mirror — even when I weighed my largest — but It’s taken me decades to finally look in that mirror and see a divine, pretty princess who is beautiful on the inside and outside. I actually see her now, and I’m so grateful that I got to spend this existence in a beautiful, healthy body. Am I perfect? I’m still breathing, so the answer is no. However, I’m learning to appreciate all that I am and all that I have while not dwelling on all those who have walked away from me or those who terrorized me while they were in my life. I see the good in the now, and the present moment really is the gift.

I used to think that the only way a gift mattered was if it was given by someone I loved. I now realize that giving gifts to myself in love is just as important, and they come with no strings or expectations attached.

If you long for someone to give you your favorite flowers, go buy some for yourself or plant them in a pot so that you can have them near you all year long. If you dream of dancing with someone, enroll in dancing classes at a local studio and let them pair you up with someone while you’re waiting on the right person to show up in your life. If you love sports and want a partner to watch games with you, join a Meetup group for sports fans, attend college alumni watching parties or go to a local sports bar and make friends. If you love live music, go see a show by yourself — It hasn’t happened in a long time, but I have seriously had some great fun when I ended up going out all by myself. Don’t sit around waiting and wishing for things to change … Do things now that make you happy and show positive love for yourself.

Recently, I was not feeling well, and I was really wishing my Granny were still alive so that I could curl up in her lap and let her rock me in her rocking chair. I found myself sitting in my own rocking chair. I wrapped my arms around myself, began rocking and I said what I would tell any sick little child I was rocking, “I know you feel really bad right now, but you’re going to be alright. Your body is magnificent and will repair and heal itself. You just need to close your eyes, fall asleep and let your body do its work.” That’s exactly what I needed in that moment, and it was fascinating and wonderful that I was able to give myself what I was longing to receive from someone externally.

In case you’re wondering if what I’m explaining is being “full of yourself” or Narcissistic, the answer is no. (I write extensively about this in the upcoming book “The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First,”) I was talking about this subject with a therapist friend of mine, and she seemed to agree with my distinction between healthy self-love and someone who is ego-driven or who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). I believe that people with highly inflated egos and NPD exude negative energy, while people with positive self-love, genuinely love themselves and exude that positive love to everyone around them.

When you learn to treat yourself with true love and respect, you won’t allow others to mistreat you … That’s a promise from a princess! 🙂

You can find these Flashback Friday blogs posted every Friday. Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!

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How to love yourself this Valentines (season and all year long)

It’s still love month, and we’re focusing on loving yourself here at The Princess Guide. This post from three years ago is appropriate for today’s Flashback Friday …

February can be one of the hardest months if you’re single. It seems like everyone around you and everyone on social media is being celebrated and loved.

how to love yourself, loving yourself,

I dated a couple of guys who disappeared around Thanksgiving and didn’t reappear until the flowers began blooming. Make no mistake … They disappeared so they wouldn’t have to do anything for me during Christmas and Valentines. It made me feel terrible and less than important. I began making one of the qualifying questions to get a date with me, “Do you celebrate holidays and look for ways to make it special for the woman you’re dating?”

Being in a long-term relationship with someone who chooses not to do things for you can make you feel even worse.

In my Lifecycles class (in graduate school), we learned that women who are highly educated and professionals have a higher rate of divorce. My instructor said it has something to do with women having more choices today with increased income. (Previous generations of women got married to have an income.) While being married appears to be the goal for many women, some find that staying married is a lot more work than anyone will tell you about.

“We see Christian young women who love the Lord, get confused about their role in marriage or whether marriage is even worth it to start with. And you take that into sexuality, they’re very confused about sexuality and how to express that in a way that honors the Lord,” author Juli Slattery told Focus on the Family.

So, what can you do to honor yourself if you’re all alone this Valentines Day (season or any time during the year)? Relationship expert Dr. Margaret Paul gave the Huffington Post these suggestions:

  1. Listen within to your own feelings. Many people easily tune into others’ feelings yet have no idea what they feel. If you ignore a child’s feelings, that child will feel unloved. Ignoring your own feelings has the same result — your inner child feels rejected, abandoned and unloved by you.
  2. Be compassionate with your feelings. If you judge your feelings, telling yourself you are wrong for having them, your inner child will feel rejected and abandoned by you. If you are kind, gentle, tender, understanding and accepting of your feelings, your inner child will feel loved by you.
  3. Be open to learning about what your feelings are telling you. Just as an actual child feels loved when you are compassionately interested in why he or she is hurting, your inner child will feel loved when you explore what your feelings are telling you. All feelings are informational. Just as physical pain alerts you to a problem that needs attention, so does emotional pain. Painful feelings are telling you that you are abandoning yourself, or that someone is being unloving to you, or to themselves or to others, or that a situation is not good for you. Compassionately attending to your feelings, learning what they are telling you, and then taking action to remedy the situation, will make you feel loved.
  4. Create a solid connection with a spiritual source of love, wisdom and comfort. Love is not a feeling we generate from our mind. It comes from the heart when our heart is open to our source of love. When you open to learning with your higher power about loving yourself and others, love flows into your heart and you feel loved.
  5. Choose to be around loving people. We don’t always have a choice — such as in work relationships — but when we do have a choice — such as in personal relationships — choosing to be around caring, supportive and accepting people will make you feel loved. If, when you have a choice, you consistently engage with unkind, judgmental or abusive people, the message you are sending to yourself is that you are not worth loving.
  6. Take loving actions for yourself around others. When you are around someone who is being unkind, speak up for yourself, letting the person know that you don’t like being treated that way, and then either open to learning about what is going on, or lovingly disengage from the interaction. Allowing others to treat you badly sends a message to your inner child that he or she is not worth loving.
  7. Take care of your body, your time, your space and your finances. You will feel loved and lovable when you feed yourself healthy food, and get exercise and sleep. When you ignore your health, you are giving yourself the message that you are not worth loving. When you respect your own and others’ time and space, you are letting yourself know that you are worth it. When you overspend, putting yourself in unnecessary debt, you are not taking loving care of yourself, and your inner child will feel scared, alone and unloved. Just as an actual child needs to feel safe regarding the necessities of life, your inner child needs to feel the same way.
  8. Find work you love. Since work takes up a big part of your day, finding or creating work that fulfills you is vitally important. If you continue to force yourself to stay at jobs you hate, the message to yourself is that you are not worth doing whatever it is you need to do to create a fulfilling work life.
  9. Create balance. We need balance in our life to feel loved and lovable. We need time to work and time to rest and rejuvenate. We also need time to nurture our body and soul through activities that bring us joy.

Loving yourself and practicing those loving actions will not only help you get healthy self-esteem that no one can take away from you, but it will also give you the skills you need to love others when the right relationship comes into your life.

You can find these Flashback Friday blogs posted every Friday. If you want to know more how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, you can get a free PDF sample chapter of “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart” by filling out the form in the sidebar on this page.