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Flashback Friday: Are you willing to go through the transformation to become a butterfly?

I heard a local weatherman saying this week that meteorological Spring begins March 1. So, this week, we’re thinking about flowers and warm weather, and flashing back to 2017 to talk about butterflies and the transformation process …

I was at a minister’s conference recently and was talking with a pastor and his family at lunch one day about the book I’m writing. I was explaining how during this process I have been seeing a vision of a butterfly.

I like butterflies and even chose a butterfly garden wedding china pattern, but I’ve never been really crazy about them until now. One day, I realized that I will never crawl on my belly again like a worm because I am being transformed into a beautiful butterfly that will fly above every situation and see the full picture and truth of the matter. 

I told the pastor and his family about how I keep thinking about being in that cocoon — You may be in a cocoon near others in one, but it’s a process you must go through alone. That process has to be painful for the caterpillar, but as long as no one interferes, it will emerge as a beautiful butterfly. The pastor said all the ministers sitting in the dining room with us were in cocoons — It was a cocoon conference.

I’ve learned that you just hold on, and let the transformation take place. The key is to enjoy your cocoon time even if you feel like you’re being hidden and overlooked.

The Princess Guide Senee Seale

It’s very important to note that if someone outside cuts open the cocoon, the transformation stops and the worm/butterfly dies. Protect your cocoon. Don’t let anyone “help” you through the process because it will kill the transformation and could kill you spiritually/emotionally. I’m not talking about seeking guidance from therapists or clergy, I’m talking about getting involved in new relationships here. I don’t advertise it. Once you get inside that cocoon, there’s no turning back.

You know, there’s a reason when you’re working a recovery program that you’re given a sponsor of your same gender and are told not to start a new romantic relationship for a year or two … It’s harder to heal and transform in the presence of the opposite sex. The time will come when you can spend time with whomever you want, but the purpose of the process is transformation, and that can’t happen with outside influence. Lasting change, real transformation, can only happen in the cocoon! You need to learn to question all your motives and decisions to make sure your intentions and heart are pure, and that you’re going into situations that will benefit you and send you further into your calling.

I was counseling someone on this topic, and was asked, “How do I know I’m out of the cocoon?” I think you just know. People keep telling me how much I’ve changed — not only on the outside, but that I’m different inside. I’m starting to see that because I’m thinking differently and not reacting to everything like I used to. Things that used to be acceptable to me no longer are … My standards are higher. I don’t feel like I’m operating from a place of desperation — that place that will cause you to make bad choices every time. Now, I’m constantly asking myself, “Is this something a princess would do? Is this living to a higher, royal standard?”

I believe when things that used to deeply hurt you no longer have an effect on how you feel about yourself, then you’ll be out of the cocoon. During this process, it’s important to remember that all lasting change begins in the mind.

When we focus on gratitude and the positive things in our lives, we are literally changing our brains by creating new neuropathways. Focus on the positives and all the progress you have made, then you will be able to see the changes.

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the website today!