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Grateful November: Day 7 of 14

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

I know the events of 2020 have caused many people to experience the low vibrational energy of fear and stress. I’ve had moments of it myself, but I refuse to allow those things to operate in my life. We are powerless over outside events, but we do have the power to control our own minds and how we react to outside events. I’ve said it many times and will say it again: The kingdom — love, joy, peace, positivity — is within us, and it’s our duty to protect it at all costs. In addition to practicing gratitude, we must ask ourselves the question: What do I need to do today to love and nurture myself in this moment so that I can resonate in the high, positive vibrational energy of love, joy and peace? I’ve been asking myself this question every day (especially this week) and have been doing things that make me feel good. I’ve been controlling my own mind by doing things that make me feel good and think positively. I’ve been having dance parties by myself in my house. I’ve been singing and having private concerts for myself. I took myself to lunch and bought myself beautiful yellow roses. (I’m a Texas girl and love them along with bluebonnets and pale pink roses.) I’ve been limiting my social media and news consumption. I’ve been throwing myself into creative projects that positively feed my soul, and I’ve been envisioning my fabulous future. Yes, I’ve also been practicing gratitude with you every day.

Like the Serenity Prayer says, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. We already have that serenity, courage and wisdom within us. We are powerful and can create our own reality. Practicing gratitude will help give you clarity to take action. For the first 14 days of November, I’m sharing excerpts from the 45-day guided gratitude journal I included in The Princess Guide to Gratitude here. If you want to get a jump start on your daily gratitude practice, you can get a copy of the book or ebook through the link. Practicing gratitude during the events of 2020 has changed my life for the better, and I know it can for you too!

Day 7

Today’s affirmation: I do not fear. I am powerful, loving, and have a sound mind.

The highlight of my day was:

Today, I am grateful for having a sound, peaceful mind.

List two things in your life that give you peace of mind.

.Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. If you’d like to work directly with Senée, she’s offering deeply discounted coaching and counseling rates through the end of 2020.

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Where’s your head at?

I spent an entire chapter in “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart” talking about controlling your own mind, and I was only able to scratch the surface. There’s so much more research and updates that have surfaced during and after releasing the book, that I’m writing an entire book on this one topic.

Your brain is your most precious possession — It controls all the functions of your body without you having to think about them or focus on them at all. It also helps you create brilliant ideas and execute them. I’ve been on this bandwagon for many years, and first wrote about it in 2014. Here’s that Flashback Friday post …

What are you feeding your mind? Are you giving it a steady diet of TV programs depicting sex and violence? Are you listening to songs full of cursing and obscene lyrics?

Just like your body is a product of what you eat, so is your mind. Whatever you think about and meditate on is what will appear in your life.

“The only way to change your life is to change your mindset,” said Bishop T.D. Jakes in one of his Potter’s Touch interviews. “Without it, let’s examine the realities. If you change your surroundings and you get in with the right crowd and you wear the right clothes and you get the right job and you have the right position but you still have the same old perspective, eventually you will alienate every good thing God put around you.”

Some substance users and mentality ill people I’ve known expect others to do everything for them from paying their bills to making them happy, but happiness and peace of mind are inside jobs.

“You must be new, and your perspective must be new. And you must be willing to be fresh if you’re going to change your life because people can’t change your life for you,” Bishop Jakes said. “Parents can say amen to that. How many parents do we know who really want to change the lives of their children? You cannot make the child do what you say. That newness must begin in the individual and then spread to the environment and situation around you.”

I was seeing a therapist before and during my engagement, and he kept suggesting I try mindfulness training. Living in the moment hasn’t been a safe place for me during much of my life, so I dreamed of how I wanted my life to be.

“I encourage you to begin a practice of being more mindful,” said Dr. Wayne Dyer in his 2014 PBS special. “This is, in fact, what I did to end my lifetime habit of being forgetful, particularly when it came to where I placed my car keys.

“These days when I swim, I experience my arms moving, my legs kicking, my shoulders stretching, the feel and taste of the salt water, my fingers cupped and moving the water, my breathing, my heart rate . . . all of it. Practicing mindfulness has taught me how to be in the moment and find myself as well as my keys,” he said.

Dr. Dyer often said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” It’s easy to worry and look at things from a negative perspective in the world we live in today. The more aware of your thoughts you are, the better chance you have of changing them.

“You can change your life by changing your perspective,” Bishop Jakes said. “The only difference between you and the person you admire is the perspective they have on life.”

What do you do to generate and maintain positive thoughts, especially during times of trouble?

You can find these Flashback Friday blogs posted every Friday. If you want to know more how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, you can get a free PDF sample chapter of “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart” by filling out the form in the sidebar on this page.