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Self Love Sunday: How to defeat fear in your life

I wrote about this topic recently, but here’s an expanded video for those who aren’t into reading. It also includes an exercise that I guide you through to help you put into practice everything I talk about here … So, stay tuned until the end. Please share this link with anyone you know who could benefit from learning how to conquer fear once and for all.

Do you have a question about life that you want Senée to answer? Leave it in the comments or email it to If you’d like to go deeper and learn more about healthy self-love, get a copy of Senée ‘s book The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First.

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. If you’d like to book a personal session with Senée, she’s accepting new clients.

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How to defeat fear in your life

Now, more than ever, I’m seeing people being ruled by fear. You must understand that fear is the lowest energy there is. It not only overtakes a person and paralyzes them in the sense that it renders them incapable of making the best decisions for their lives, but it is also what negative entities feed on. You know the saying, “Misery loves company.” Well, haven’t you noticed that when people are operating in fear and negative thinking and speaking that it spreads like wild fire to everyone in their group?

I’m always talking about how when we neglect going to the kingdom within, we give our power away to outside forces and people — these people rarely have our best interests at heart and typically want to control and manipulate us. Whether it’s in a work relationship, love relationship, family relationship or even your health, you must take back your power.

The only way to overcome and defeat fear is through using the high energies of love, joy, hope, faith and peace. Anything or thought that doesn’t feel right to you, makes you nervous, anxious and unable to think properly or sleep is fear based. If you’re a person reading this, then you’re human and susceptible to experiencing fear. The good news is that you can overcome it by changing your thinking.

What is fear?

Merriam-Webster defines fear as, “an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger, an instance of this emotion, a state marked by this emotion; anxious concern; profound reverence and awe, especially toward God; reason for alarm.”

You may be surprised to hear that we weren’t born with fear. Extensive psychological research has been conducted on this topic for decades. Fear is a learned behavior, and like I always say, anything learned can be unlearned.

“A primary fact to know about fear is that it is removable … Enthusiasm with its immense mental and spiritual power can cancel out all fear,” wrote Norman Vincent Peale in Enthusiasm Makes the Difference.

Fear can help us get out of danger and even avoid negative situations. However, negative thinking is rarely productive and often leads to conditions like Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. It’s my personal and professional opinion that fear is the basis of stress. We stress out over things because we’re afraid of the negative outcomes.

Dr. Wayne Dyer said it well in his book The Power of Intention, “There is no actual stress or anxiety in the world: it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs … When we think stressfully, we create reactions in the body, valuable messages or signals requesting our attention.”

Scientific brain research by Joseph E. LeDoux out of New York University published in 2014 defined fear as, “… what happens when the sentient brain is aware that its personal well-being (physical, mental, social, cultural, existential) is challenged or may be at some point. What ties together all instances of fear is an awareness, based on the raw materials available, that danger is near or possible.”

What is fear good for?

Psychological research shows us that fear is both conscious and unconscious. The unconscious is more of an automatic reaction not usually even thought about until afterward You know, the flight, fight or freeze response the body has in stressful situations. However, it’s the conscious fear that we ruminate over — that fear that takes us to the darkest places thinking of all the terrible things that could go wrong — that’s the dangerous kind that we can control.

“Fear can be a big stopper for many of us: fear of fragility, fear of failure, fear of making a mistake, fear of what others might think, fear of success. We may second-guess our next action or word until we talk ourselves out of participating in life,” wrote Melody Beattie in The Language of Letting Go.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt famously said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Think about that for a second … Living in fear, thinking negatively and allowing others outside ourselves to control us with threats of fear is a hell all its own. I’m human too, and I’ve had plenty of those negative thoughts myself. It’s legitimate and prudent to think about any negative consequences that could happen to you so that you can make an informed decision and an accurate plan. However, when we allow fear to overtake us to the point that we can’t feel love, hope, faith, joy and peace, we become paralyzed and unable to function in high energy — we become like an animal caught in a trap, and we have no way to stop those who are outside of us from controlling and abusing us. 

Christ talked about fear before his death in John 14:27, “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does [and can take it away]. Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.” The Amplified Bible further explains, “Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.”

I typically only focus on the words of Christ, but Peter had some good advice in 1 Peter 3:13–14, “Who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good? But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, how happy you are! Do not be afraid of anyone, and do not worry.”

So, how do we actually stop worrying and operating in fear? We start by controlling our own minds.

The Fear Slayer

Buffy was the vampire slayer, and you can be your own fear slayer. You are so powerful! You can manifest any situation you choose in your life — good or bad. The choice is yours. I’m not saying it’s easy or instantaneous … It hasn’t been for me, but I have manifested a lot in my life, and you can, too. You start by taking control of your own mind and using the beautiful love in your heart to overcome the fear.

“It’s been said that thoughts are things, that they actually possess dynamic power … You can actually think yourself into or out of situations … Think positively, for example, and you set in motion positive forces which bring positive results to pass,” Peale wrote in The Power of Positive Thinking.

 We should always remember that fear is just another emotion, and emotions are meant to be observed, felt and released. “Feel the fear, then let it go,” advised Beattie in The Language of Letting Go.

Love is the most powerful energy of all. It is the only thing that can transmute fear. When we focus on love and the feeling of love, the fear is defeated.

In times of fear and stress, it’s helpful to think about things that make us feel good and happy — that could be a pleasant memory or a beautiful dream of the future. Whatever it may be, get a clear picture of it in your mind. Pay attention to all the details — the words, colors and textures of that picture. Most importantly, feel all the love and positive feelings you had or want to have and hold that for a few minutes. You can always go back to this place any time you begin to feel fear. You can even transmute or change your circumstances by taking the negative things you fear and daydream about how they could be changed into positive situations that make you feel love and joy.

You are powerful! Use that beautiful, brilliant mind of yours to manifest yourself out of fear and into a positive existence.

Do you have a question about life that you want Senée to answer? Leave it in the comments or email it to

Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. If you’d like to book a personal session with Senée, she’s accepting new clients.

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Grateful November: Day 7 of 14

Senee Seale The Princess Guide

I know the events of 2020 have caused many people to experience the low vibrational energy of fear and stress. I’ve had moments of it myself, but I refuse to allow those things to operate in my life. We are powerless over outside events, but we do have the power to control our own minds and how we react to outside events. I’ve said it many times and will say it again: The kingdom — love, joy, peace, positivity — is within us, and it’s our duty to protect it at all costs. In addition to practicing gratitude, we must ask ourselves the question: What do I need to do today to love and nurture myself in this moment so that I can resonate in the high, positive vibrational energy of love, joy and peace? I’ve been asking myself this question every day (especially this week) and have been doing things that make me feel good. I’ve been controlling my own mind by doing things that make me feel good and think positively. I’ve been having dance parties by myself in my house. I’ve been singing and having private concerts for myself. I took myself to lunch and bought myself beautiful yellow roses. (I’m a Texas girl and love them along with bluebonnets and pale pink roses.) I’ve been limiting my social media and news consumption. I’ve been throwing myself into creative projects that positively feed my soul, and I’ve been envisioning my fabulous future. Yes, I’ve also been practicing gratitude with you every day.

Like the Serenity Prayer says, God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. We already have that serenity, courage and wisdom within us. We are powerful and can create our own reality. Practicing gratitude will help give you clarity to take action. For the first 14 days of November, I’m sharing excerpts from the 45-day guided gratitude journal I included in The Princess Guide to Gratitude here. If you want to get a jump start on your daily gratitude practice, you can get a copy of the book or ebook through the link. Practicing gratitude during the events of 2020 has changed my life for the better, and I know it can for you too!

Day 7

Today’s affirmation: I do not fear. I am powerful, loving, and have a sound mind.

The highlight of my day was:

Today, I am grateful for having a sound, peaceful mind.

List two things in your life that give you peace of mind.

.Senée Seale is a book author, mental health professional and life guide passionate about helping people create positive changes in their lives and relationships. Are you ready to start attracting positive things into your life through practicing daily affirmations? Get your free copy of The Princes Guide to Gratitude Affirmations. If you’d like to work directly with Senée, she’s offering deeply discounted coaching and counseling rates through the end of 2020.