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Know yourself: Who do you think you are?

When I was a little girl, I loved the song by Diana Ross, Do you know. The lyrics still sit with me:

Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? Do you know?

So often, we really don’t know ourselves. We have no idea what we really want or who we are. I had coffee with a lady a few weeks ago. As we were discussing my first book and the plans I have for upcoming books, she asked me, “What is it you want for your life? Do you know the desires of your heart? Most people don’t, and that’s why they don’t get them.”

I do not have that problem! I know exactly what I want. And through the process of writing the books I’m working on, (the next one being released is The Princess Guide to Loving Yourself First which is now available for preorder on my website) I’m very clear on who I am and what I want in life.

Now don’t get me wrong, it didn’t happen overnight or all at once. I’ve been on this journey — intensely — for the past five years, but the majority of my growth has happened in the last several months. I’ve come to the conclusion that nothing outside ourselves changes us — not a person, not God, nothing and no one. This is a big change in thinking for me because I have spent the vast majority of my life waiting, wanting and longing for something or someone outside myself to rescue me, make me happy and change my life for the better.

I remember about a decade ago, I was working as a Web Copywriter for a large retail company after struggling with my freelance career to get a steady income. One of my friends I worked with drove me home after work one day. As we pulled up to the front entrance of the high rise where I was living, she said to me, “Look at what YOU did! You live in this beautiful place in this upscale neighborhood, and YOU made all this happen!” My response was, “I didn’t do it. God did it.” I was still looking outside myself, had no confidence in my ability to co-create anything and took no credit for my part in manifesting a dream I had since I was a little girl. (I seriously wanted to live in that building, in that neighborhood since I was a little girl.)

A friend of mine told me the other day, “You need to come out of the tower, Rapunzel!” A few days letter, my best friend said almost the exact same thing. They were right, but I know that the intense changes I’ve been going through — to the point that strangers are stopping and telling me how beautiful I am, and how I light up a room when I walk in, or people I know telling me how I’m glowing and my countenance has changed for the positive — have happened because of all the alone time I’ve been spending with myself. Not only have I gotten to know myself really well, but I’ve become a co-creator with my Higher Power/God/Creator/Source/Universe. I am divine. I have God within me. Therefore, I can be — and have been —a co-creator with God to manifest what I want in my life to help others and fulfill my mission. When I do the inside work, everything in my life changes for the better.

The Princess Guide Senee Seale

This is why I’m so excited to tell you about Dr. Sue Morter. She is a renowned international speaker and founder of the Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science. Dr. Sue is the host of Healing Matrix on Gaia TV. She has also been featured in several documentary films, including The Opus, The Cure Is…, Discover the Gift, and Femme. She is also the author of The Energy Codes ®: A 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life.

The exciting part is that she’s inviting you to a FREE webinar where you will learn The 3 Secrets to Syncing Up Your Super Powers for Freedom, Flow & Fulfillment.

“A life of true fulfillment and freedom is possible … once you know who you truly are,” said Dr. Sue.

Her message really resonates with me because she’s talking about what I’m currently writing about in my books.

During this free webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Recognize the REAL you (Hint: It’s not who you think you are),
  • Break free from negative and limiting thoughts and live in an expanded state,
  • Tap the Universal flow of energy running through you,
  • Change the stories of your past opening you up to greater love and fulfillment,
  • Heal your life on every level — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually,
  • Experience deeper and more fulfilling relationships,
  • Experience vibrant health and greater vitality (using a tool you already possess) and
  • Live your life in ease and flow for total fulfillment.

What could be better than living life with flow and ease? That’s a trick question because we all know there is nothing better, and I invite you to register now so you can get started. Reserve your spot or the webinar.

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. If you enjoy this content and would like to read Senée’s books for free, get on the Royal Team. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the bookstore today!

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Heal yourself: The holistic healing journey begins with you

If you know me personally or have read my blog posts, then you know I’m big on holistic healing practices and “old-fashioned” remedies. (My grandparents used them on us, and they worked.)

I’ve written recently about my journey of healing my vision. Over the last four years, I’ve completely changed my diet and began taking supplements. The most immediate (and dramatic) change I — and the world — could see was a 70-pound weight loss. Regaining my vision has been a much slower process. While I’ve seen fireflies for the first time in decades, have seen more definition in clouds and have noticed some movement in my peripheral vision, I haven’t had a major breakthrough yet — meaning I still have little to no night vision and need to use magnifiers and glasses to read.

In September, I was blessed with the opportunity to have a stem cell therapy treatment. I’ve heard about many great health improvements from family members and acquaintances. I’ve also seen some great testimonials online from people diagnosed with the same eye disease I was diagnosed with. The procedure itself was very easy and quick, but the recovery process has been really rough for me.

I did every positive thing I knew to do. I fasted for 20 hours prior to the treatment. I’ve been eating a lot of salads and focusing on vegetables and protein. I’ve been juicing carrots and drinking black coffee (both prescribed in the beginning of my holistic journey by a doctor) along with water and green tea. However, I’ve been having weird side-effects including burning, itchy, swollen, flaky eye lids, dizziness when wearing my glasses (but I can’t read without them) and weakness/low energy. My guess is that my body is detoxing (the stem cell nurse agreed), and I’m just trying to ride it out because I know this stuff must come out of me and not be masked.

I’ve been on the holistic healing bandwagon since 1999 when I was working at my first newspaper in Tyler, Texas and got the flu during Thanksgiving week. A family friend who also lived there took me to see a holistic practitioner. He did Kinesiology (muscle testing) on me, and I was a believer. Kinesiology tests many areas of the body including the organs, looks at how the body is affected by food and other substances, and it’s even used by psychologists to reveal a person’s unconscious belief systems and determine how well one handles emotional, mental and spiritual stress.

I’ve realized during this process that the reason I love holistic healing so much is because I’m being the co-creator and manifesting my health. I’m not looking for something or someone outside of me to fix or heal me … I am working with the Creator of this body to heal it.

The Princess Guide Senee Seale

This is why I’m so excited to tell you about Dr. Sue Morter’s powerful e-book called The Top 3 Mistakes That Keep You from Fulfillment & Flow, In this book, she shares her proven system that heals lives on every level — mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. If you’ve been seeking a life where you feel complete freedom, total fulfillment and the joy of living in the flow, then this is an e-book you must read.

In case you don’t know her, Dr. Sue is a renowned international speaker and founder of the Morter Institute for Bio-Energetics, an organization committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and a new approach to life based on Quantum Science. She is the host of Healing Matrix on Gaia TV. She has also been featured in several documentary films, including The Opus, The Cure Is…, Discover the Gift and Femme, and Dr. Sue is the author of The Energy Codes ®: A 7-Step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life.

Dr. Sue is giving her e-book away for free for a limited time. So make sure you get your copy now and learn the Top 3 Mistakes That Keep You From Fulfillment & Flow

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. If you enjoy this content and would like to read Senée’s books for free, get on the Royal Team.  For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the bookstore today!

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Seasons change: Don’t worry, be happy

Autumn has arrived on the calendar, but here in Texas, it’s still Summer … I saw pumpkins outside my grocery store today literally getting sunburned! I feel like Rapunzel needing to let down my long hair, but it’s just too hot to do that.  

The Princess Guide Senee Seale

This is my favorite time of year because now until the end of the year, it’s full of football, festivals (Oktoberfest, the State Fair of Texas, pumpkin patches, art festivals, etc.), celebrations (homecomings, my birthday, Halloween/Harvest, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s) and the temperature loses its oppressive heat and eventually, slowly becomes comfortable. Waiting for that to happen is the hard part. (I wrote on social media recently that I was having trouble waiting for things to happen.)

I love seasons because when one becomes too much to deal with or boring, you know a change will most definitely be coming (unless you live in a place like Southern California where it’s hot year-round, or at least it was the semester I was in graduate school there … I was rummaging through my closet on Thanksgiving Day to find a sleeveless shirt to wear in the 90-degree heat while eating my turkey dinner — not fun for me!)

My pastor outside Nashville once said, “Some people are seasonal people, and some people are meant to be in your life for the long-term.” At the time, that statement hurt me. I realize now, almost two decades later, that I wasn’t hurt. I was offended — that’s much worse in my book because being offended is a choice we each make. In the last almost 20 years, I’ve watched the revolving door of people walk in and out of my life. Some of them were supposed to be forever friends and family. I had to learn the hard lesson that even those you love the most and are closest to can choose to leave. When this happens, your season changes.

These changes can be difficult, but they don’t have to be. It’s all in our perception. We can choose how we view events in our lives. I believe three of the most important tools for dealing with change and new seasons are optimism, joy and gratitude.

The glass is half FULL

William James put it best, “It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.”

You’ll get what you look for. If you’re looking for misery, you will find it. If you are looking for beauty, you will find that, too. The great thing about it is that YOU get to decide what you want to look for. Yes, change can be crappy. It can — and usually is — full of difficult moments, but it can also have beautiful moments, too. I think the reason we don’t see or focus on the beauty is because there are typically more negatives in a situation to take our attention away from the positives.

When I was studying Marriage & Family Therapy in graduate school, I came across a quote from Gary Zukav in our textbook Culturally Competent Counseling, “Reality is what we take to be true. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based upon our perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we look for depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive. What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what we take to be true. What we take to be true is our reality.”

Think about the gold miners during the gold rush. Did they dip their pans in the water and pull them out full of gold? No! They were lucky to find a small nugget, but that small nugget was worth a ton of money and all the trouble it took to find it.

We create our reality, and reframing negative events to see the good in them is a great practice to put into action so that, over time, it becomes automatic. When you catch yourself having negative thoughts, redirect them and encourage yourself. Look for the beauty in the change, even if it’s tiny.

“When everything was hopeless, Abraham believed anyway, deciding to live not on the basis of what he saw he couldn’t do but on what God said he would do. And so, he was made father of a multitude of peoples. God himself said to him, ‘You’re going to have a big family, Abraham!’” Romans 4:18 (MSG).

CHOOSING joy/happiness

This year, I’ve seen an explosion of online personalities talking about happiness. It became a buzzword a few months ago with CEO of VaynerMedia, Gary Vee (Vaynerchuk) talking about it on social media. Then all these other content creators followed suit bombarding my inbox and social media feeds with their pitches on why I needed to buy their online courses to learn to be happy.

While Gary Vee is usually the trendsetter, it was ME who began talking about joy and happiness with blog posts in 2014, and I wrote a newspaper article about it in 2006. There’s a lot of scientific research to show that being happy and having joy in your life will not only make you feel better, but it can enhance your health and longevity.

Here’s the thing: Happiness is an inside job. It isn’t something you find externally. It’s taken me more than four decades to realize this. (I’m working on a book about being happy in which I take you on my journey of regaining my joy/happiness … Stay tuned for information on that!)

This meme really sums it up, “I am in charge of how I feel, and today I am choosing happiness.” You have the power to be happy or miserable. The choice is up to you.

Being grateful for EVERYTHING

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll continue to say it: I believe that one of the greatest traits of a princess (anyone resonating on a higher frequency) is gratitude. What is gratitude? Webster Illustrated Contemporary Dictionary defines gratitude and grateful as “A feeling of thankfulness; having or expressing gratitude, thankful; affording gratification (the act of gratitude or the state of being gratified).”

“Thank [God] in everything [no matter what the circumstances may be, be thankful and give thanks], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus [the Revealer and Mediator of that will],” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (Amplified Bible).

The bad things will all work out for your good — maybe not immediately, but eventually you will see that what looked like a devastating storm actually gave you the chance to rebuild your life into the dream house you’ve always wanted.

I was watching one of my favorite movies The Lake House recently and was reminded of a song I loved as a little girl by Carole King called It’s too late. I really love the lines of the last verse:

There will be good times again for me and you, but we just can’t stay together. Can’t you feel it too? Still I’m glad for what we had and how I once loved you. But it’s too late baby. Now it’s too late. Though we really did try to make it. Something inside has died and I can’t hide and I just can’t fake it. No, no, no

Even though she’s singing about the ending of a relationship, I love how she focuses on the gratitude she has for the experience. There is beauty in every experience — even the bad ones that devastate us and bring us to our knees. We have to look for it.

“When something ends it seems like the end of something. Consider that the ending of it was actually part of the process of something new beginning,” wrote Hemal Radi.

How can you put optimism, joy/happiness and gratitude into practice during the changing seasons in your own life?

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the bookstore today!

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Animals are good judges of character

We all know the power animals have to help us mentally and emotionally. Therapy dogs, horses, etc. have been used for years to help people with mental, physical and emotional issues. In my life, to say that 2019 is the year of the animal would be an understatement … I have had so many random encounters with animals that it just blows my mind!

I was walking up my private sidewalk to my front door one day when I noticed something I couldn’t make out or clearly see. As I got closer, it jumped about three feet off the ground and ran up the tree outside my living room. My scream turned into laughter as I realized it was a squirrel. As it was running up the tree I said, laughing, “You scared me!” I think it might be the same squirrel I watch play in the tree outside my balcony on the other side of my townhouse.

During a trip to Los Angeles to visit my best friend earlier in the summer, I woke up the first morning to her son’s two goldfish in the corner of the tank next to where I was sleeping looking at me. I told my best friend that I felt like the girl in Enchanted lately with animals of all kinds being attracted to me. She said I’m Cinderella … She could be right!

The Princess Guide Senee Seale
Me, age 9, riding a horse in a barrel race at my first summer camp. I rode horses every day at camp … I loved them!

One day, I was enjoying a cup of coffee under a tree, and several birds landed next to me. I just started talking to them like I do all animals saying hello and asking how they were doing. A duck and its baby waddled past me a couple of times in my office parking lot. The second time, the duck just stopped and let me get close enough to admire its green neck.

This makes me think about that song by The Carpenters Close to You that was so popular when I was a little girl:

“Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you. Why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be close to you. On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true. So, they sprinkled moondust in your hair and golden starlight in your eyes of blue …”

All of these encounters make me feel honored and special. I’ve become very aware this year of the connections we have with the earth and animals. This realization comes easily for some people. (My grandfather was a genius at growing food, flowers and plants and working with animals.) For me, it has been a slow awakening — beautiful and astonishing all at the same time.

I believe animals have some sense of cognition. At the very least, they have spiritual cognition and know things on another level. Dogs more so than most.

Human’s best friend

I was walking in the parking lot of my workplace one day and passed a man with a little dog on a leash. The dog approached me, then started growling. Dogs don’t usually growl at me. So, I just smiled and walked past them. The next thing I knew, I heard, “Clang, clang, clang.” I looked down, and the little dog was at my feet looking up at me. I realized that he wasn’t growling at me. He was growling at his owner for not letting him get close to me and broke away — leash and all — to be near me. I just laughed as I bent down and said to the little dog, “You like chasing pretty girls, don’t you?” His owner ran to catch up with him and got the leash back saying that he has never done that before. The little dog started licking my feet then started growling again as the owner pulled him away from me.

While on a mini vacation this summer, I was sitting on a bench in front of a hotel enjoying my morning coffee when an older couple pulled up. They got out of the car with another little dog on a long leash. He made a beeline for me, and licked my leg before his owner could pull him away saying, “Come on buddy.” I just smiled at the dog and said, “Hello. How you doing?”

The Princess Guide Senee Seale
My K-9 nephew, Wyatt, being royal (at my sister’s insistence).

A close friend of mine (and former editor) once told me that animals and children are the best judges of character. She had a huge Great Dane named Goliath. That dog loved me! While I was staying with them during my divorce, he would run to meet me at the door, then proceed to sniff every inch of me. My friend said he was making sure I wasn’t cheating on him. (That always makes me giggle when I remember it.)

Goliath didn’t like everyone, however. I was briefly dating a guy at that time who Goliath growled at like he was about to eat him. The guy was scared … He should have been because that dog knew exactly who he was and what he was up to. It wasn’t long until my friend ran into that guy with one of my close friends from church, of all places! (He did the same thing to her shortly after that incident.)

Sometimes, I wish I had those animal instincts. They could have saved me from a lot of heartache … But they would have also stopped me from experiencing powerful love. So, I can’t regret any decision in life. I’ve learned from all of them and grown into the princess I am today because and in spite of them.

How are you making a conscious effort to be kind to all forms of life and one with nature today?

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the bookstore today!

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Summer romances can last a lifetime

As the Summer winds down, many of you have fallen in love and had the time of your lives. I haven’t had a Summer romance in seven years, but I’ve had a couple of encounters this Summer that have reinforced my primary love affair.

I went on vacation early in the Summer to visit my best friend in Los Angeles. It was surprisingly cold there, and my plans to spend the week on the beach were interrupted. My cute wardrobe also had to be altered — meaning it was so cold I had to wear the only warm thing I brought with me which was a black zip-up hoodie.

We decided to go to dinner one night after my best friend got off work. I was wearing printed leggings, a sleeveless top and the hoodie with my hair in a ponytail. I was dressed fine for dinner, but I didn’t know we would be going out afterward.

Not caring, I stepped out of the Uber. Before I could take two steps onto the sidewalk, a cute guy (I thought he looked like a young Joaquin Phoenix, but my best friend said he looked like a young Tom Cruise) came running toward me yelling, “Oh, my God! Oh, my God!”

I was thinking, “What have I done now? I literally just stepped out of the Uber and onto the sidewalk … I couldn’t have done anything yet!”

When he got right in front of me, he said, “Oh, my God! I saw your eyes half a block away! You are so beautiful!”

I smiled and said, “Thank you so much! That’s so nice of you to say!”

He went on to ask me my name, and when I told him he said, “Oh, my God! You’re beautiful and have a pretty name!”

It reminded me of Deuteronomy 28:2 (CSB), “All these blessings will come and overtake you” — basically chase you down and shower you will blessings, or compliments in this case.

We didn’t get to talk much because a girl in his group pulled him and his friend away. When I told my best friend that we didn’t even know his name she said, “Oh, yes we do! It’s Oh, my God! Oh, my God!” (She’s a former actress and reenacts the story so much better than I do.)

Just a week ago, I was having dinner alone in a restaurant. I was enjoying my salad and absorbed with solving the problems of my kingdom inside my head. With a mouth full of salad, I heard a voice say, “Excuse me.” I looked up to see an athletic guy standing at my table. He said, “In case no one has told you today, you look very beautiful!” Covering my full mouth, I mumbled, “Thank you!”

Once again, I was not dressed up or looking my absolute best, at all — I had just spent the day taking care of some projects at home and was on my way to the grocery store after I fed myself. I did not feel beautiful in any way, but I needed to be reminded of my true nature.

When you have healthy self-love/self-esteem, you don’t need outside validation. However, it’s always nice and makes you feel good. Especially so, when those kind words of affirmation come from someone you truly love.

If you’re in a marriage or committed relationship, it’s always a good idea to let your loved one know how much you care for them. Like they say, flowers are meant to be enjoyed by the living, not the dead — meaning don’t wait until someone dies to send them flowers or tell them how much they mean to you.

Whether you’re in a relationship or alone, it’s important to show that love and admiration to yourself. I look in the mirror every day and tell myself that I’m beautiful — inside and out. I show gratitude for all the things I have internally and externally.

Seeking validation from outside ourselves is dangerous. I’ve learned this truth the hard way.

Melody Beattie explains it in her book The Language of Letting Go:

Most of us want the approval of others … In order to live happily, to live consistently with the way our Higher Power wants us to live, and to tap into a way of life that is in harmony with the universe, we need to let go of our extreme need for approval. These unmet needs for approval and love from our past give others control over us today. These needs can prevent us from acting in our best interest and being true to ourselves. We can approve of ourselves. In the end, that’s the only approval that counts.

It’s been my experience that when I truly practice self-love, the validation I get from others is nice and very much appreciated. However, I don’t go chasing after it or doing things to get attention because I already have it from myself.

How are you keeping your Summer romance alive for the rest of the year?

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the bookstore today!

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Getting the royal treatment

I’m always talking about being a princess and being royal …. That’s why I have to share this story.

I took a trip to Los Angeles to see my best friend earlier this summer, and the flight crew was INCREDIBLE to me that night! Let me start by saying that flying is not the most enjoyable thing for me to do, especially since I typically travel alone.

You see, I have been diagnosed with a rare eye disease that has caused me to lose all my night vision (it’s hard to see in low light situations too), and I’ve lost most of my peripheral vision. Airports are nightmares for me because people are often pushing and shoving and walking in front of me. That’s why I usually try to preboard … Finding my seat with those tiny letters and numbers usually takes me more time than most, and I sometimes need the help of a flight attendant.

That particular flight, I did preboard, and a lovely flight attendant named Sue helped me find my seat. The flight was delayed due to some flight numbers the crew was waiting on. When we left Dallas, it was still daylight, but it had turned dark by the time we arrived at LAX.

We landed in a remote gate requiring deplaning off a ramp and getting on a tram to get into the airport. The flight crew told us that we had to quickly deplane and get immediately on the tram. I was nervous because of my vision issues and not knowing what lighting situation or obstacles I would be facing once I stepped out of the plane (or all the pushing and shoving I would experience from other passengers), Honestly, I was envisioning a long staircase like on Air Force One. On a trip to L.A. as a teenager, we had to deplane like that. I knew that wouldn’t work for me now in the dark. I waited for many of the passengers to get off the plane before finding Sue and asking for help. She was so kind and had me sit in first class while everyone got off the plane.

The Princess Guide Senee seale
Me on vacation in L.A., May 2019

While I was waiting, she told me I was beautiful, gracious and graceful. She said she didn’t even know I had a vision problem because I carry myself with such poise. (People tell me that a lot.) Honestly, it surprised me because I felt like a hot mess! I hate having to ask for help, and when I do, sometimes I’m told “NO!” So, I just try to do things on my own … I’m pretty stubborn when I want something and don’t give up easily.

A runway worker came and escorted me off the plane and onto the tram. As the tram was coming to a stop at the terminal, I heard Sue talking to the pilot (I think he said his name was Chuck from Dallas). Next thing I knew, he grabbed my hand, had his copilot grab my bag and escorted me through LAX to the arrivals area. Not only that, but he waited with me at the curb until my best friend arrived and helped her get my bag in the car! Then he hugged us both.

The Princess Guide Senee seale

You don’t get the pilot and his copilot to personally escort you through an airport and carry your bags if you’re not royal! It still shocks me because I’ve had so many people in my life put me down and tell me I’m not as good as I think I am, but when something like this happens, I have to acknowledge that I am, indeed, a princess, a royal. If fascinates me how hard I have tried to prove myself to some people who crap all over me, lie about me, use me and throw me aside like yesterday’s trash. Then, random strangers of position speak their true observations about me and treat me like the princess I know deep down inside I am — it changes EVERYTHING! It puts everything (especially the bad stuff and people) into right perspective.

I’m eternally grateful for the help and kindness they all showed me! I’m now an American Airlines customer for life! And I am, once again, reminded that no matter how bad the haters treat me, it doesn’t change the fact that I am royal, and that I’m still on my throne and wearing my crown.

What random acts have made you realized your true identity?

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. For more information on how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, check out the bookstore today!

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Eyes to see: Being grateful for the small things

On a mini vacation this summer to a family friend’s lake house, I was amazed one night to see two lightening bugs playing with each other — I sat there on the deck and watched them for quite some time. I was also so stunned to see the light of a boat driving by on the lake. These are normal, everyday occurrences for most people, but for me, they are miracles.

You see, more than 20 years ago while I was in college studying journalism and fashion design, I was diagnosed with a rare eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP). I saw specialists from Dallas to Germany, and they all told me the same thing — there is no treatment or cure for it and that I needed to learn to be a blind person. I finally did consent to mobility training and learned to use a white cane. However, I’m stubborn when I really want or believe in something. I have never accepted that I will go completely blind — in spite of losing my night vision and most of my peripheral vision — and I’ve always believed that I could be healed. After studying psychology, neuroscience and biology, I know how powerful our minds and bodies are. They can heal themselves. Just cut your finger and watch the process before your very eyes.

Right after Thanksgiving 2015, I changed my diet and started taking supplements, per the advice of a doctor at a wellness center in West Texas. At Christmas break (I was in graduate school at the time studying Clinical Mental Health Counseling) I went to the wellness center for two weeks of detox treatments and monitoring of my diet. (I’m not a morning person, but they forced me to drink carrot juice and protein shakes and eat the approved foods from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Then during the early evening and night when I was used to eating because of hunger, food was very limited or not available at all.) Three months later, I was finally able to see a holistic doctor in Houston who a graduate school friend recommended because he had success treating and reversing RP. (The wellness center never had an RP case before, but got me started on the right track.) The doctor further refined my diet and prescribed all new supplements.

In the first nine months, I lost 70 pounds — It was amazing because no matter what I did, I couldn’t lose weight … not even for my wedding or college graduation. However, the vision didn’t seem to be returning very quickly.

I wasn’t born with vision issues. In fact, I had perfect 20/20 vision throughout childhood and my teenage years. In early summer 2018, I saw my first lightening bug since I was a child. Seeing those two playing in summer 2019 at the lake vacation was just a sign from the universe to me that my vision and body were going to make a turnaround.

Just a few days before that trip, I asked my eyes what they were afraid to see. The details of the ugliness in the world? Possibly, but I can still see it every single day — And more importantly, I FEEL it every single day. Just because you can’t see something doesn’t make it go away. I gave myself permission to see the ugly details of the world, observe them and not try to fix them — just let them be as they are.

I also decided on that trip that I was no longer going to allow people to shame this princess because she has physical limitations she is overcoming. We are ALL beautiful and have so many positive gifts to share with the world — I don’t care if you’re fat, skinny, short, tall, straight, gay, confused (most of us are confused in some form or fashion at some point in life) or if you’re a princess with vision issues. We can no longer let the haters put us down or stop us from being used at our full potential!

I’m truly grateful for the little things. They give me hope that bigger and better things are coming soon. I’m also convinced that talking to your body works … even if it takes a while for it to manifest.

What little things are you grateful for and observing in your life today?

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. If you want to know how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, get a free PDF sample chapter of “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart.”

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You are what you eat? No … You are what you SPEAK!

We speak our futures into existence. The Bible tells us that. The New Age movement tells us that. Other religions tell us that. So, if this is true, why are we should-ing all over ourselves, or worse yet, speaking negative people, things and circumstances into our lives?

We must realize that our words are powerful and can create positive or negative realities for us. When we say anything after “I AM,” we’re almost guaranteed to get it!

A couple of months ago, I had a vision of my best friend and I making a list, but instead of creating a vision board or a positive affirmation list, it was an I AM list. Mine would look something like this:

• I AM loveable.

• I AM an attractor of unconditional love.

• I AM crowned with favor.

• I AM overtaken by success and prosperity.

• I AM prosperous in everything I do.

• I AM successful in my career, and I AM paid well for my efforts.

• I AM an attractor of quality people who value me, show me unconditional love and help me achieve my goals.

• I AM a person of quality and high integrity.

• I AM capable of having quality relationships, and I AM an attractor of those who are the same.

• I AM a high energy person and resonate in high energy fields.

• I AM light and love.

Yes, we’re all human and can allow ourselves to have our buttons pushed from time to time. However, once we grasp how powerful our words are, we can no longer let ourselves speak negative things into our lives. We have to give ourselves a Take Two.

A few weeks ago, I started doing something different. Every morning when I’m drinking coffee and waking up, I place my invisible crown on my head and say out loud, “I AM crowned with favor. I have favor with everyone I come into contact with today!” It works!

Just the other day, I was taking some boxes to my car, and one was really heavy. I whispered, “Father, please help me get this box to my car.” I fumbled with it for about 30 seconds, then just when I was about to drop it, a guy showed up in the parking lot (seemingly our of nowhere) and asked if I needed help … I thought the Father was just going to give me the strength to carry the box, but instead he sent someone to do the heavy lifting for me less than a minute after I asked!

Your words are powerful! Use them as your superpower to create a beautiful, peaceful life!

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. If you want to know how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, you can get a free PDF sample chapter of “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart” by filling out the form in the sidebar on this page.

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Don’t let anyone take your crown

I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: I’m a work in progress. I’m better than I used to be, but I’m still not where I want to be. I want my initial reaction to anything to be that of love and peace, but sometimes it just isn’t. Sometimes, I still let people take my crown, or at least tilt it a little.

I’ve been in crisis, “Get ‘er done” mode at the magazine where I work salvaging a very late issue. I’ve been Princess Senée reporting for duty on the sinking Titanic. I’m doing everything in my power to save this ship. (I’m going to make it happen, even though there may be some parts dangling, the ship will not sink on my watch!) I’ve had the help of a couple of coworkers — to whom I’m eternally grateful for their help and cooperation. However, there are others who have just thrown obstacles in my way. I feels like I’m on the Titanic running around with my hair on fire trying to keep the ship from going under, and they’re in the life boat with their life jackets on screaming at me that I’m not doing it right.

One person heard me asking for a specific name I couldn’t find online for a story I was editing. This person inserted themselves into the conversation telling me to go online (which I had already done). It was so bad I couldn’t even look at this person because, at the very least, they would have seen me rolling my eyes to the back of my head and biting my tongue to keep from saying what I was really feeling — my princess crown was definitely on tilt, and I hated it!

Don't let anyone take your crownYou see, we’re royalty. Our natural state resonates in the high energy of love, integrity and peace. When we allow others externally to bring our energy low to that of anger or frustration, we’ve handed them our crowns and are now allowing them to control our emotions. Christ told us that we are to be passers by. (Like my grandmother used to say, “Shick-a-mo-shy pass them on by!” I was not being an observer in this case, I was mad and frustrated that this person was hindering me from getting the job done and saving the Titanic.

I don’t like myself very much when that happens. I had to go home and forgive myself. I literally said, “Senée, I know you’re under a lot of stress to pull off the impossible and you have been operating in emergency, crisis mode. I know you don’t like how you acted, but I love and forgive you. I know you will do better next time and be the observer faster.”

I spent a whole chapter in The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart talking about forgiving yourself, but it has only been in the last few weeks that I’ve understood why it’s important and how to do it better. Not forgiving yourself binds you with guilt and weights on you. It can even cause you to operate in fear which is the worst thing in the world. Derrick Brose the Global Witness, said that self unforgivness is like carrying a heavy backpack on your back and wanting to jump off a deep cliff. Instead of jumping, he suggests you take all that heavy unforgivness, throw that backpack over the cliff and walk way divine, sovereign and free — I agree with him.

Some people feel so powerless in their own lives that they try to exert power over everyone around them to feel powerful. You see this all the time in the workplace with people who have demanding spouses. Is this right or a good excuse? Of course not! However, we have to be the observer and just pass them on by.

Any therapist will tell you that to have peace, you need to observe your thoughts and feelings and let them pass. The same is true for all the external things that happen around you. Don’t pick a side. Just say, “That’s interesting,” and pass them on by.

Billie Eilish says it best when she sings, “If you think I’m pretty, you should see me in a crown!” Don’t waste the pretty and don’t let anyone take your crown!

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. If you want to know how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, you can get a free PDF sample chapter of “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart” by filling out the form in the sidebar on this page.

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Are you looking for love in all the wrong places?

It’s my birthday week, and I’ve been thinking a lot about love a lot lately — not the kind of external love we automatically think about, although that’s been on my mind too — I’m talking about the internal love no one can take away from you.

In our modern-day culture, we tend to think that the only love that counts is the external love from another person typically in a romantic setting. There’s an old song with the lyrics, “You’re nobody until somebody loves you.” I must disagree with this statement. We come from pure love. We are loved greatly by the Father and Creator of All. We have ancestors and spiritual relatives who love us and protect us even though we never see or encounter them in this realm of existence.

I spent an entire chapter of The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart talking about loving yourself, but it hasn’t been until recent weeks that I’m starting to realize what that really looks like.

The last line of John Mayer’s song New Light poses the question, “What do I do with all this love flowing through my veins for you?” I dare say, once again, that you give all that love back to yourself until you have someone in your life to give that love to who will love you back … That last part is very important because if you aren’t receiving love back from a person, you’re in an unbalanced and unhealthy relationship.

Lately, I’ve been listening daily to The Sundays song Love. The lyrics are profound and have really redirected my thinking about self-love.

So, killing me with love, love, love just love yourself

like no one else.

Love, it’s enough.

So, they can say what they like, but they still can’t take

Your love, your love, your love just love yourself like nobody else.

Time’s so scarce where I come from

Let them say what they like, but they still can’t take your love.

When we finally realize who we are, that we ARE love and are deeply loved, no one can take that away from us. Will there be times when we feel lonely and unloved? Of course! I can’t tell you how many birthdays (including the last three and probably this upcoming one) and holidays I’ve spent totally alone. I’ve learned a very valuable lesson, though … When I’m alone on special days, I can spend them doing anything I want to do! I don’t have anyone telling me I’m not worthy of celebrating or that I want too much. I can spend as much or as little money on myself and feel very good about it because I don’t have anyone dictating to me my worth!

love yourself like no one elseSo, how do you show love to yourself? You do exactly what I explain in the book … You talk to yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you’re beautiful, handsome, talented, honorable, worthy and lovable. I’ve never had a problem looking at myself naked in the mirror — even when I weighed my largest — but It’s taken me decades to finally look in that mirror and see a divine, pretty princess who is beautiful on the inside and outside. I actually see her now, and I’m so grateful that I got to spend this existence in a beautiful, healthy body. Am I perfect? I’m still breathing, so the answer is NO. However, I’m learning to appreciate all that I am and all that I have while not dwelling on all those who have walked away from me or those who terrorized me while they were in my life. I see the good in the now, and the present moment really is the gift!

I used to think that the only way a gift mattered was if it was given by someone I loved. I now realize that giving gifts to myself in love is just as important … And it comes with no strings or expectations attached.

If you long for someone to give you your favorite flowers, go buy some for yourself or plant them in a pot so that you can have them near you all year long. If you dream of dancing with someone, enroll in dancing classes at a local studio and let them pair you up with someone while you’re waiting on the right person to show up in your life. If you love sports and want a partner to watch games with you, join a Meetup group for sports fans, attend college alumni watching parties or go to a local sports bar and make friends. If you love live music, go see a show by yourself — It hasn’t happened very often, but I have seriously had some of my best times when I ended up going out all by myself! Don’t sit around waiting and wishing for things to change … Do things now that make you happy and show positive love for yourself!

Recently, I was not feeling well, and I was really wishing my Granny were still alive so that I could curl up in her lap and let her rock me in her rocking chair. I found myself sitting in my own rocking chair. I wrapped my arms around myself, began rocking and I said what I would tell any sick little child I was rocking, “I know you feel really bad right now, but you’re going to be alright. Your body is magnificent and will repair and heal itself. You just need to close your eyes, fall asleep and let your body do its work.” That’s exactly what I needed in that moment, and it was fascinating and wonderful that I was able to give myself what I was longing to receive from someone externally.

In case you’re wondering if what I’m explaining is being “full of yourself” or Narcissistic, the answer is NO. I was talking about this subject with a therapist friend of mine, and she seemed to agree with my distinction between healthy self-love and someone who is ego-driven or who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). I believe that people with highly inflated egos and NPD exude negative energy, while people with positive self-love genuinely love themselves and exude that positive love to everyone around them.

When you learn to treat yourself with true love and respect, you won’t allow others to mistreat you … That’s a promise from a princess! 🙂

Catch these first-run Write About It Wednesday blogs every Wednesday. If you want to know how to have successful relationships and peace of mind, you can get a free PDF sample chapter of “The Princess Guide to Healing a Broken Heart” by filling out the form in the sidebar on this page.